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1.Chong Wang#, Lixin Huang#, Yuankai Hong, Lijun Wang, YinlinSha*. One-dimensional Self-assembly of A Rational Designed Beta-structure Peptide. Biopolymers. 86 (1): 23-32, 2007 (# authors equally contributed to this work)

2.JianZhong, WenfuZheng, Lixin Huang, Yuankai Hong, Lijun Wang, Yang Qiu*, YinlinSha*. PrP106-126 Amide Causes the Semi-penetrated Poration in the Supported Lipid Bilayers. BBA-Biomembranes. 1768: 1420-9, 2007

3. Y. Zhang, W. Yao, Z. Zeng, X. Wang, D. Sun, W. Ka, S. Zhou, D. He, Z. Wen*, S. Chien*, Exogenous wild-type p53 gene improved survival of nude mice injected with murine erythroleukemia cell line through amelioration of hemorheological changes, Microcirculation 14(2) (2007) 155-66.

4. Z. Zeng, X. Xu, Y. Zhang, J. Xing, J. Long, L. Gu, X. Wang, D. Sun, W. Ka, W. Yao, Z. Wen*, S. Chien*, Tumor-derived factors impaired motility and immune functions of dendritic cells through derangement of biophysical characteristics and reorganization of cytoskeleton, Cell Motil Cytoskeleton 64(3) (2007) 186-98.

5. J. Wang, Z.Y. Tang, W. Ka, D. Sun, W. Yao, Z. Wen*, S. Chien*, Synergistic effect of cytokines EPO, IL-3 and SCF on the proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis of erythroid progenitor cells, Clin Hemorheol Microcirc 37(4) (2007) 291-9.

6. Zhao CJ.,Tang JM*,Tang Y.,Li F.,Dong JX.,Bi ZW.,Sha YL*.The localization and effect of quantum dots on ultrastructure of mouse abdominal cavity macrophages in vitro. 2007, Acta Anatomica Sinica, 38 (3), pp. 365-368.

7. Zhong J.,Zheng W.,Huang L.,Hong Y.,Wang L.,Qiu Y*.,Sha Y*.PrP106-126 amide causes the semi-penetrated poration in the supported lipid bilayers. 2007, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Biomembranes, 1768 (6), pp. 1420-1429.DOI: 10.1016/j.bbamem. 2007.03.003

8. Wang C.,Huang L.,Wang L.,Hong Y.,Sha Y*.One-dimensional self-assembly of a rational designed β-structure peptide. 2007, Biopolymers, 86 (1), pp. 23-31.DOI: 10.1002/bip.20681